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Book Pages


Thank you for your interest in my writing. Aside from my three published books that you can find on, my work appears regularly on various fitness websites. Please click on the links below to see a sample of my expository essays/blogs that have been published recently.

Yoga Class

Working With the 70+ Age Group – What trainers need to know

Baby Boomers are filling the gyms. They are looking for qualified trainers. After 20 years of experience working with this demographic, I can help you to attract and retain their business. Read on to learn more.

How Music Can Improve Your Workout

Most of us would agree that music adds joy to our lives and that the right song can help us to accomplish almost any task. A motivating soundtrack can make activities feel effortless but do you know why? Read on.

Workout with Music
Blue Sportswear

3 Tips to Increase Flexibility and Mobility with Essentrics

Remaining mobile and flexible is the key to leading a vibrant life, free from limitations. Use these three effective tips to get the most out of your workout. Read on.

Strengthen Your Glutes with These 3 Exercises

A sedentary lifestyle can weaken glute muscles, creating “gluteal amnesia” – a condition where the glutes forget to fire up as needed when we walk, run, and rise from sitting. Learn 3 of the best exercises to keep our glutes working optimally. Read on.

Fitness Portrait
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